jueves, 31 de octubre de 2024

Moving maeb

 Maeb's Big Adventure

Goal:Guide Maeb through the colorful world of Roquetas del mar, dodging obstacles.


   -Tap the space key: Flap maeb's wings and get her fly higher.

   -Release: Descend gently.

How to Play:

1. Take off: Tap the green flag to start her journey to Roquetas de mar!

2. Dodge Obstacles: Avoid the distotr maeb that appear in your path.

4. Stay Aloft: Don't let Maeb fly too high or too low. Find the perfect balance.


Timing is Key: Practice your timing to flap at the right moment.

React Quickly: Be ready to dodge the maeb's that appear suddenly.

Have fun exploring the world with Maeb!

You can see inside of the wonderful maeb's journey cliking here  https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1084371414

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2024

Scratch-Cacher game

 The lasts days I've been working on on this game.


This is my second game I've done this year. To play it you have to follow the following instructions:
-You have to move the bowl with the left and rigth arrow.
-The porpuose of the game is picking up as much os you can, when you catch a strar it gives you a point, and it is getting faster every time you pick up an item.
-When you pick a bomb it changes you score by minus 3. 
-You loose when your score is less than minus 5
This is all you have to know to play my game! Hope you like it.

martes, 8 de octubre de 2024

Scratch- My frist Game!

 So my frist task to do this year was to make a scracth game! Here it is. You can play it!

So this is my first game, you are a dinusour, you have to dodge meteorites, when a meteorite get to the bottom it gets more faster they fall. You have three lives, if you get to 0, you loose. You have to use the rigth and left arrow to move yourself. Also when you loose a live it sounds asound, but if you dont loose that life and the meteorite gets to the ground it sounds a good sound.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2024

Christmas Card

 These days we have been working on different christmas cards I have done two different cards. The first one I've made is the one that h...